Claim Event Q&A
Q1. I'm still participating in last month's claim event, will the waiting time for the last round I recently progressed also be carried over to next month?
A1. Once the claim event for the next month starts, all records from the previous month's claim event will be reset, and the waiting time and progress from last month will not be carried over.
Q2. As of 23:59:59 UTC on last month, there is very little time left for Claim rewards, and I had the January Claim Event page open. However, the time changed to 24:00:00 UTC! So I clicked the [Claim] button, but I received a message saying I can't claim the rewards! What should I do?
A2. In this situation, since the time has already changed, you cannot claim the rewards for last month even if you click the [Claim] button.
Q3. On the last day of last month's claim event, I had the Claim Event page open, and when it turned to 15:00:00, it did not switch to the new event page! What should I do?
A3. The new claim event page does not update automatically. If you still had the last Claim Event page open when the time changed to 24:00:00 on next month, please close the Claim Event page and reopen it.
Q4. Can I claim the rewards for Round 1 of the next Claim Event immediately upon logging in? Or is there a waiting time?
A4. Round 1 of the next Claim Event will be activated immediately upon logging in, and you can claim the rewards by clicking the [Claim] button.
Tip: You can use the mouse wheel to check the reward list within the Claim Event page.