Testing and Launching Your Quest

  1. Once you have filled in all Task, click the 'Save' button

  2. Once you click ‘Test Launch’ on the popup screen, the quest will be set to Test status and move to the UGQ > Test tab on the webpage.

  1. If your quest is in TEST status on the My UGQ page, you can test it within the game. If you are logged into the WORKSHOP website at this time, you will be unable to log in to the client. To resolve this, either log out of the website or close the window before accessing the client.

  1. If you have accessed the client for testing, find the Beacon and NPCs you initially set up and proceed with the quest. My Beacon location: My home NPC locations: Refer to the map

  2. Once testing is complete, the quest status will change to ‘Standby.’ Click the ‘Live Launching’ button to change the status to ‘Live.’

  1. When it is in 'Live' status, users can view and play the quest on the UGQ board.

Last updated