I want to request a refund after purchase CALIUM ticket!

All payments for the CALIUM Ticket pre-sale event are processed through Xsolla.

For payment inquiries, including refunds, please contact Xsolla customer support team via the https://help.xsolla.com/en  website or email at support@xsolla.com.

[Contact Xsolla via the Website] 1. Visit https://help.xsolla.com/en  2. Select "My Digital Purchase Item Refund" under the [Refund] category 3. Fill out the detailed form and submit (Name, Email Address, Transaction Number, Message) 3-1. Name: Your full name 3-2. Email Address: The email address used for the purchase receipt 3-3. Transaction Number: The number included in the confirmation email received after completing the purchase ※Please note that customers who have received at least one CALIUM are not eligible for a refund, as the purchase changes to a confirmed purchase at that point.

Last updated