Land Auction
The CALIVERSE LAND Auction is starting! This is your opportunity to directly acquire LAND ownership and earn rental income in the future! We will guide you through the auction process and how to participate.
What is LAND Auction?
LAND Auction is a system where pioneers can acquire LAND ownership using CALIUM. The acquired LAND will have a rental feature added in the future, allowing pioneers to earn rental income. Additionally, the LAND Auction operates in seasons, with each season running for a limited period. Participate in the CALIVERSE LAND Auction, acquire your desired LAND, and start generating rental income!
Auction Bid Unit
1 ~ 499 CALIUM
500 ~ 999 CALIUM
1,000 CALIUM or more
Auction Method
The auction is conducted using CALIUM.
The starting price of the auction varies depending on the size of the LAND.
To participate in the auction, you must place a higher bid based on the previous bid increment.
At the end of the auction, the pioneer with the highest bid will own the LAND.
Blind Auction Guide
A blind auction is a bidding method in which the highest bid is not disclosed during the final 10 minutes before the auction closes.
As a result, participants cannot see the final bid amount and must place their final bids strategically.
Features of Blind Auction
The highest bid remains undisclosed from 10 minutes before the auction ends.
Bidders must place their final bids without knowing the highest bid.
The highest bidder after the auction closes wins the item.
This is a distinctive feature compared to traditional aution methods, designed to prevent overheated bidding wars right before the auction ends, while ensuring that participants who genuinely desire and are prepared for the LAND have priority in winning the bid.
Blind Auction Precautions
If the bid is not successful in the blind auction, the CALIUM placed fotr the bidding will be automatically refunded.
Bidders who were not successful in the auction will receive their CALIUM refunded through their mailbox after the auction ends.
Bids cannot be canceled or refunded until the blind aution ends, so careful bidding is required.
How to Participate
Important Notes
Once a bid is placed, it cannot be canceled, so please participate carefully.
If a bid is renewed, the previous bid's CALIUM will be refunded individually via mailbox.
After the auction ends, the LAND will be automatically awarded to the pioneer with the highest bid.
The won LAND can be checked in the LAND Management tab.
Last updated