Setting Tasks

  1. Once the basic quest information is complete, you can now create tasks. A quest must have at least three tasks, with goals set for each. The first task is always fixed as a "Chat" with the "Main Beacon," serving as an introduction to the background and the start of the quest. This setting cannot be changed.

Task GoalTask Goal Discription


Talk to a specific NPC

Equip Outfit

Equip a specific outfit on your avatar

Buy Item

Buy a specific item from the shop

Sell Item

Sell a specific item at the shop

Equip Tool

To be updated

Use Tool

To be updated

Take a Photo

To be updated

New Action 1

To be updated

New Action 2

To be updated

Cutscene Illustration

To be updated

Cutscene Video

To be updated

Interior Editing Tool 2.0 (Level Design)

To be updated

  1. For each task, you can input the dialogue sequences between the Beacon and the player. You must fill out the information in the English tab when setting up the sequence. Note: Changing the language during quest creation may result in loss of all entered content, so choose carefully!

  1. Conversations always start with the Beacon, followed by player responses. You can assign player responses and choices for the Beacon's dialogue, with the option to set up a multiple number of responses within a single sequence. Note: The quest you are creating can only go Live after completing the Test. Be sure to consider the player’s stats, emotes, and items when designing your quest!

Player’s ConditionCondition Discription


Simple conversation


Requires a specific stat level


Requires a specific emote


Requires a specific item

  1. To ensure a smooth progression of the quest for both Beacons and players, arrange the player’s ‘Condition settings’ according to the sequence order of each stage. After completing the final sequence, select ‘End Conversation’ and then click ‘Save’ to activate the settings properly.

  1. Click the [Save] button to save the Task. Once you’ve completed and saved one Task, make sure to create at least three Tasks to finish the quest.

Last updated