Uses of CALIUM
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CALIUM is the most important asset in the CALIVERSE Eco-System, and users can utilize CALIUM in various ways, including purchasing real estate (LAND), participating in BEACON Drafts, and accessing exclusive content. CALIUM forms the backbone of the CALIVERSE economic system and is utilized within the ecosystem in the following ways.
Operating an instance through LAND holding
BEACON Draft & World BEACON holding
Viewing special content such as Concert Tickets
World BEACONs and LAND are essential elements for UGQ Create, and holding BEACONs and LAND used in UGQ allows you to earn UGQ Points. Additionally, holding LAND allows users to earn UGQ Points based on the number of visitors to their instances, proportional to the advertising revenue CALIVERSE secures through CPM, CPC, and CPA.
In the future, UGQ Points will be monetizable according to the C2E (Create to Earn) policy, and World BEACONs and LAND will provide an NFT minting feature via the On-Chain platform.
In CALIVERSE, LAND and instances are defined as follows: Users can also earn income in the form of UGQ Points through the successful operation of their LAND and instances included in it.
LAND can be holded using CALIUM.
LAND refers to specific buildings in the CALIVERSE metaverse and represents digital real estate that can be holded.
LAND includes independent spaces called instances.
By holding LAND, you can generate profit through UGQ, advertising, LAND rental, etc., making it a means of economic activity.
An instance is an independent space created within the LAND. The minimum number of instances varies based on the size of the LAND.
Instances can be managed through furniture placement and interior design. Additional features such as shops, exhibitions, concerts, and parties are planned and will be gradually enhanced through updates.
Instances serve as economic tools that can generate profit in the form of UGQ Points based on their popularity and operational capabilities.
Origin City is the central city of CALIVERSE, and the total number of available LANDs is limited to 1,000. The number of LANDs in each size category is predetermined and strictly controlled to maintain balance in the Eco-System.
For sale
For permanent rental
Holded by the New Earth Government, these LANDs are rented to users for a certain period.
During the rental period, users can operate instances on the LAND or use it for advertising.
In this way, CALIVERSE allows users to engage in economic activities within the metaverse without directly holding LAND.
A BEACON is an AI NPC that users can hold and manage in the CALIVERSE metaverse. BEACONs are used as economic tools, enabling users to create and operate UGQ, which generates UGQ Points as profit.
A BEACON Draft is a system that combines a traditional auction with a governance vote to acquire a World BEACON. Users can participate in the BEACON Draft to obtain a World BEACON, making offers with CALIUM during seasonal drafts. The user who makes the highest CALIUM offer wins the contract for the BEACON.
Only top-ranking BEACONs will secure contracts and become World BEACONs.
Lower-ranking BEACONs will have their contracts voided and will be returned to their holders as regular BEACONs.
Once the BEACON is contracted, the final contract holder will hold it, and the previous holder will no longer be able to possess the BEACON from the moment the contract is completed.
A World BEACON is a title given to BEACONs that rank high in the BEACON Draft. The BEACON Draft operates on a seasonal basis, and the number of World BEACONs available may vary with each season.
World BEACON promotions and slots in Origin City are limited
Details will be shared in the BEACON Draft update.
Limiting the number of World BEACONs ensures their rarity and maintains balance in the Eco-System.
Main Features
Can be placed for interior decoration and supports AI chatting
Functions as an AI NPC for UGQ creation but cannot be set as the starting NPC
Only users who hold a regular BEACON can create UGQ NPC sequences
Can gather resources at the farm instead of the holder
Fixed placement in open fields allows for AI chatting.
Functions as an AI NPC for UGQ creation and can be set as the starting NPC
All users can create sequences as UGQ NPCs.
Fixed placement in open fields prevents farming.
Can be placed in the user's hold MyHome or LAND instances
Can also be placed in rented LAND instances
Fixed placement in major open fields such as Origin City.
Cannot be placed in holded or rented instances
Limited exposure within certain spaces
Continuously exposed to multiple users in public spaces
Primarily for personal use
Primarily for public use
Provides UGQ content in restricted spaces, offering low user accessibility
Provides UGQ content in open fields, offering high user accessibility
Acquisition Method
Anyone can acquire it by using items and currency at the BEACON Lab.
Regular BEACONs can be promoted to a World BEACON by meeting conditions through the BEACON Draft.
NFT Minting
Not supported
Expected to be supported and can be traded in external marketplaces
The main features of World BEACONs summarized in the table above are as follows:
Increased infrastructural value due to open field placement benefits.
Joint use among all users in the metaverse
Unlike regular BEACONs, World BEACONs can be fixed in open fields like Origin City, exposing them to more users. As a result, although individuals hold World BEACONs, multiple users can see and utilize them, naturally increasing their recognition.
For paid UGQ that uses World BEACONs, 10% of the Sapphires spent by that UGQ will be paid to the World BEACON holding as UGQ Points. NPCs placed in open fields will be available for all users to use for UGQ creation. When unique World BEACONs are placed in open fields, other users can use them for UGQ creation, and users who hold World BEACONs will earn usage fees from World BEACONs used in UGQ.
In other words, users can earn UGQ Points intended for future monetization.
With CALIUM, you can buy tickets to enjoy CALIVERSE's latest high-quality concerts.
However, concerts released during the WAVE event can only be viewed using Rubies, not CALIUM.
Please look forward to the concerts of our top-tier partner artists that CALIVERSE is preparing.
CALIUM-exclusive concert content will be announced later.
A function to acquire Rubies using CALIUM is scheduled to be updated.
The exchange ratio between CALIUM and Rubies is influenced by the Inflation Weight. As the Inflation Weight increases, the cost of acquiring CALIUM also increases, but the amount of Rubies obtained will additionally increase proportionally to the higher value. Thus, CALIUM serves as the key currency of the CALIVERSE Eco-System by applying the Inflation Weight, which changes on an epoch basis, in various ways.
The formula for acquiring Rubies using CALIUM is as follows and has been applied based on the Inflation Weight of the CALIUM Exchange.
Exchange the amount of Sapphires needed for the Paid Issuance of 1 CALIUM to receive Rubies.
For example, if the Inflation Weight is 200%, you can obtain 200 Rubies with 1 CALIUM.
A fee will apply when acquiring Rubies using CALIUM.
More details will be available through future updates.
It will be applied in Roadmap Phase 3.
You can find information on how to create a BEACON in the document.