CALIUM Inflation System and Its Principles
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The CALIUM Price at the CALIUM Exchange will fluctuate by Epoch according to a predetermined formula. The CALIUM Price is determined by the Fixed Exchange Ratio between Sapphires and CALIUM and the Epoch-Based Inflation Weighting.
The exchange ratio between Sapphires and CALIUM is fixed at 100:1.
The inflation weighting is calculated using the data recorded in the previous Epoch to apply the predetermined formula.
The predetermined formula for inflation weighting is as follows:
When the Circulation Supply to Standard Supply ratio is less than or equal to 1, the inflation weighting (%) will always be set to 100%.
The inflation weighting (%) will exceed 100% only when the the Circulation Supply to Standard Supply ratio exceeds 1.
CALIUM aims to manage inflation by applying a variable price according to the Circulation Supply.
The minimum value of the inflation weighting will be 100%, meaning users will spend at least 100 Sapphires to acquire 1 CALIUM in the CALIUM Exchange However, if CALIUM is issued in excess of the Standard Supply for the given Epoch, the Paid Issuance Price will be increased by the Excess Issuance Rate in the following Epoch to suppress Circulation Volume Inflation.
CALIUM exhibits a variable characteristic where the Paid Issuance Price increases in situations where actual demand is higher than the expected demand in the Standard Supply. To prevent the inflation rate (%) from becoming excessively high due to the Issuance of CALIUM exceeding the Standard Supply, CALIVERSE has established a formula for CALIUM Price that applies these variable characteristics, allowing the New Issuance Amount of CALIUM to be naturally adjusted.
For example, if a large quantity of CALIUM is issued at a high price, this indicates an increase in demand for CALIUM. In contrast, as the price of CALIUM increases, demand may gradually decrease. In this case, the Standard Supply will increase with each Epoch, leading to a potential decline in the price of CALIUM, which may follow an inverse curve.
The CALIUM Price is determined by the following factors a and b:
a. Fixed Exchange Ratio between Sapphires and CALIUM, which is 100:1
b. Inflation weighting = Circulation Supply/ Standard Supply (note: inflation weighting ≥ 100%)
CALIUM Exchange's CALIUM Price = Fixed Exchange Ratio * Inflation Weighting of the Previous Epoch
The inflation weighting data of the previous Epoch uses tamper-proof on-chain data. For more details, please refer to [CALIUM On-Chain Information].
The CALIUM Price is updated on an Epoch basis.
The minimum denomination for CALIUM is 0.01. Therefore, values in the Paid Issuance Price determination formula are truncated at the 0.001 unit.
The CALIUM circulation volume data for each Epoch is finalized at 23:00 (UTC) of each Epoch.
The CALIUM circulation volume data for each Epoch aggregates data from 23:00 (UTC) of the previous Epoch to 23:00 (UTC) of the current Epoch.
The CALIUM circulation volume data for each Epoch is recorded and confirmed on the blockchain, and the inflation weighting for the next Epoch is calculated based on this value.
To ensure operational stability, an 1-hour lead time is applied between data roll-up and On-Chain recording.
The time when the CALIUM Price of the CALIUM exchange is updated is 00:00 (UTC) of each Epoch.
This value is applicable for the duration of the Epoch, which is 24 hours.